This is an all-time favorite punch art design in our house. Our high school mascot is a polar bear, and the colors are purple, gold, and black. I made a bunch of these with my daughter this week, with just a simple collection of circles – 1 3/8″ and 3/4″ for the big bear, and 1″ and 1/2″ for the little one.
My tip to make the eyes and noses…carve a pencil eraser into a small circle with an exacto knife and use it like a stamp. This is easier than it sounds. Simply slice away pieces of eraser until you have a rough circle. Take an emery board to smooth the edges and you will have a stamp for years to come! I have little circles in three sizes, and they come in handy for snowman eyes and buttons, too.
I also want to show off a new photopolymer set today – the trendy Ikat designs. Looks like fun!!