Thanksgiving week has meant amazing deals from Stampin’ Up! in the past, and Stampin’ Up! is promising an online special that will start this Monday, November 24. Stay tuned!
The Starter Kit will also be discounted Monday, November 24 – Tuesday, December 2. Here’s what you get:
- Starter Kit for $74.95 – this includes $125 of your choice of product, FREE Shipping, and business supplies
- An extra 5% Cash Back on orders placed in December in addition to the 30% discount new demos get on their first qualifying order
- 20% off all orders, with the opportunity to earn up to 40% as volume increases
- Access to learning tools, the online demonstrator community, demo-only events, the demo magazine, and tons of resources
- The opportunity to preorder from each new catalog. The Occasions preorder starts December 5, and demonstrators also have the opportunity to earn Sale-a-bration products early.
- Plus, you will be a part of my Buckeye Inklings Team. This is a really great group of ladies that meets regularly – our next meeting is a Christmas party on December 3. In addition to the usual food and make-n-take fun, we will watch online streaming from the new catalog launch party at this meeting. If you are not local, we will stay in touch online, and I will send meeting projects and info periodically.
If you have ever thought about joining or re-joining Stampin’ Up!, this will be the time. There is no obligation to purchase anything beyond the Starter Kit. To stay “Active”, you have until March 31, 2015 to meet the requirement of $300/quarter. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further – I would love to have you on my team!!
I do have a card today, too…actually a gift card holder.
We made these in club this month, and it is not a new design, but it is my all-time favorite gift card holder. As you open the flap, the gift card is pulled into view.
This is Lorri Heiling’s design from late last year, and she did a wonderful video on this. Click here to go to her video.
Here is the Cherry Cobbler version we have been making in classes this fall…
Hope you give these a try. They are on my mind because I plan to make a bunch of them today for the craft show I will be at this Saturday – Jackson High School, 10am-4pm.