The blank signs in “Cheerful Critters” are great for any message, and the set is just fun to play with. My bunny is peeking over a 2 3/4″ x 4″ Crumb Cake fence, stamped with “Hardwood” in Crumb Cake. I used the triangle punch to notch the top of the fence.
The sunshine is from the Hostess set “Hello Love”. I used Crushed Curry and tapped in some additional color with a dauber. I stamped and colored the bunny, and then masked it with a Post-It note so that I could sponge the sky. Working from top to bottom, I sponged lightly around a 1 3/4″ scallop circle with Soft Sky to get the faint cloud shapes.
I am definitely thinking spring with this card, so it is going to The Paper Players for this week’s challenge. You can see more entries in this challenge here.
We got a new layer of snow this weekend, about 6″. I have an I Spy challenge for you as a result. Can you find a 25 lb black dog in the picture below? He is not in the shadowy part of the evergreens or shed – that wouldn’t be fair. He is surrounded by snow.
Here’s a hint…there are tunnels cut through the snow for him. Doesn’t everybody shovel their yard?
I know, it’s hard to tell at this distance, but he his now shorter than the walls of his path. And if you missed my picture of Chip on facebook last week – here is his “I hate snow” look.
We are ready for spring! At least we can see it in our papercrafts.