This is a card from last month’s Card Buffet, and it is a great example of CASE-ing. CASE stands for Copy and Share Everything. You only need to go as far as Pinterest to find millions of great ideas to copy, and copying is ok in the craft world. The ideas are out there for the taking, and that makes it easy for everyone to create.
The card I saw on Pinterest is shown below. It was made by Julie Wadlinger, and she says in her original post that she CASEd our catalog to create this. Our catalog does provide great inspiration!
The differences are obvious – she used “Love & Sympathy”, but I changed the main image to the sweet nest silhouette from “World of Dreams”, a current favorite of mine. I added a little seam binding and a background stamp, but Julie has more color and some twine on her main image. You can make any design your own by changing stamps, colors and elements. Just make sure you give credit to the original artist if you have the opportunity.
Have a great Monday!