This quirky chicken card will go to my daughter – actually, I made two of these fun cards so I can send one to each of my daughters. I totally CASEd a card made by my upline Terri Meehan.
Here is Terri’s card – I loved it this way, too, but I had to switch to the chicken with wacky feathers for my girls.
I saved my chick card for Thursday so I have license to post more chicken throwback pictures! The theme today is…hungry chickens. I think I could make a flip book of me feeding the chickens on my grandparents’ farm over the years. Here are just a few…
My older sister and I with my grandfather
How dirty the chickens would get in the rain! Me, my sister and my brother on the patio with Grandpa.
The little blondie is my cousin Theresa, and I am on the right. I was so happy when Theresa was born. It was great to have a cousin, and I wasn’t the littlest anymore! My Uncle Joe is in the striped shirt, and speaking of stripes…how about those knit pants on me!?
The chickens were never out as much in the winter – except for this hearty guy, “Nerder”.
I guess you can see why I love the chicken stamps! “Hey, Chick” can be chosen for free with any $50 order during Sale-a-bration. A $50 order also earns a Buckeye Point in my Loyalty Rewards program, and I will send you the current Featured Card (see top of right column). Click here to shop, or use the carousel below to go directly to an item in the store.
Have a great day!