Welcome to the Trip Achievers Blog Hop for April! You may just be starting the blog hop here at my blog (Chris Slogar) or may have come from the person previous to me in the list. If you get off track at any time, the full lineup below will help you move along from blog to blog so you see all of the projects.
This past weekend, Demonstrators got to see the upcoming 2019-2020 Annual Catalog at our OnStage Convention. There is so much to look forward to in this catalog – great new colors, great new bundles, and great new products!! This blog hop showcases what we saw and what we received.
Since I just got home and haven’t had time to create with the new product, I want to share a project that I made as a gift for teammates who attended OnStage. It is a note pad portfolio, made from one of our recruit folders.
There is a piece that wraps to the front of the portfolio to hold it closed with a magnet. Below, it is shown open.
There is a mini memo pad and pen as well as a Post-It note pad and pocket on the inside.
The pocket is made from half of a medium envelope. There is a small tab to hold it closed with Velcro.
New Demonstrators receive recruit folders in their Starter Kit, and these folders are also available as a supply item to Demonstrators. You could also use any other folder, cut and folded this way, but I love the colors and style of these logo products. Check out the video below for complete instructions. If you are receiving this post in an email, please click here for the video.
Thank you fort aking part in our blog hop! Please use the list below to move to the next blog.