Stamparatus Projects

Last night on Facebook Live, I used the Stamparatus for my three card projects. Each has a feature that is made easier with the stamp positioning tool…

The first project uses “Press On”, a fun new coffee-themed stamp set from the Mini Catalog. I used the stamp that has five cups in a line for my background, moving the Coastal Cabana cardstock for each impression and using grid paper as a guide. Please check out the video here for more details on this method.

I also used the Stamparatus to repeat this greeting from “Wrapped in Christmas”. Again, I moved the Whisper White note card using the markings on the grid paper as a guide. The hinge step would have created a larger spacing than I wanted – each NOEL here is only 3/4″ apart.

These are super-easy cards made on our precut and scored Whisper White note cards. I simply added a 1″ strip of Trimming the Town designer paper and a greeting.

Note that the card on the right uses a greeting from “A Merry Hello”. This is the Host set that is available from the Mini Catalog, and it can be purchased with only $10 in Stampin’ Rewards (earned when you have an order over $150). If you don’t have an order this large on your own, you can get a couple of friends together to group orders to get to this level. Please contact me at, and I will then call you to set this up. Each person ordering can receive their items at their own address, and one person will get the rewards.

Finally I used my Stamparatus to get really great multi-color images from the stamps in “Everything Essential”. Since the Stamparatus allows you to stamp an image repeatedy in the exact same location, you can easily get the color and coverage you want from stamps inked with markers.

The designer paper here is from Plaid Tidings, and the embossing folder is Tasteful Textile.

**Reminder — you need to use Stampin’ Write markers to add ink to stamps – NOT Stampin’ Blends!

This version uses the same layout with the Heartwarming Hugs designer paper and Wrapped in Texture embossing folder.

This post is meant as a supplement to the demonstration in last night’s Facebook Live. Please check out the video for more details – and please join the Buckeye Inklings Stampers Group on facebook to get notice of all of my live videos. I appreciate your support!

I need your help to continue to bring you new ideas – if you need any supplies, please shop in my online store or use the carousel below to be directed to a specific product used today.

Use Host Code EGWEG7FW with a $35 order in August, and I will send you a package of Snowflake Adhesive-Backed Embellishments and a handmade card. This is my way of sharing the Stampin’ Rewards with you. I appreciate your orders!

The Carousel is huge today – and this often happens with my Facebook Live posts. I like to jump around to give you different ideas, with the idea that you will make the projects in your preferred suites. Of course, if you have a big wish list, pass the ideas on to your loved ones for birthday and holiday gift ideas – especially for the big ticket items, like the Stamparatus, or the marker collections. There is now a Wish List feature in the online store 🙂

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