Buckeye Inklings Mascot

Just for fun on this holiday weekend, I thought I would dedicate a post to the unofficial mascot of the site, Chip.  If you have come to a class at my house, here’s what happens after you leave…

photo 6

Oh my goodness, sometimes there are treats on the tables!  But they are always just out of reach for a small dog!

photo 5

Look at that tail wagging!  Can’t reach this group either.  What’s a schnoodle to do?

photo 4

He sits and stares at the underside of the table until someone comes to his rescue.

So, who leaves these treats?  Chip knows her well!  It’s Connie, and Connie visited with her dog Willy yesterday.  Willy is a baby, only one year old.  This was the first meeting.

photo 1

Were you expecting a Doberman?  Haha!  Willy is a gentle and friendly dog, and they were soon frolicking.

photo 2

photo 3

Even Chip has friends from stamping LOL!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July and weekend!

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