Today is the Day!

Products from the fabulous 2019 Occasions and Sale-a-bration Catalogs are available starting today!  For every $50 spent in the online store, you get to choose one of our exclusive Sale-a-bration products for free.

In addition, individual or group orders over $250 earn an extra $25 in Hostess Rewards.  A $250 order earns a total of $50 in free product durng Sale-a-bration, and each person ordering can receive their order at their own address – contact me at to set this up.

Got a big wish list?  Consider joining Stampin’ Up!  You can choose $175 in product (any product) for $99 plus tax (shipping is included).  Pay $129 if you would like to include the gorgeous Craft & Carry Tote (shown below).

When you join, there is no obligation to purchase anything further, but you will have at least a 20% discount while active.  Most of the Demonstrators on my team are hobbyists, simply purchasing for themselves at a discount.  They enjoy early access to new products and can attend Stampin’ Up! events.  I have a growing team, and we would love to have you join us!

Please contact me at to set up a call if you have questions or would like to discuss this.

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